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The Importance of Using Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products

Purbloc Blogger • Jun 02, 2021

Using eco-friendly cleaning products is not only good for the planet, but also for your personal health and wellness. Here is everything you need to know.

eco friendly cleaning products

It's not just for show. Don't let the larger trend fool you.

Being environmentally friendly is a noble cause, but using eco friendly cleaning products is the right move for your health and the environment.

It's sensible.

Learn why you should turn in your average all purpose cleaner, or multi surface cleaner, for non-toxic cleaning products like natural disinfectant cleaners and green air sanitizers today.

Harmful Effects of Common Household Cleaners

Common household cleaners promise you an impeccable clean at the expense of harsh and toxic chemicals.

These cleaner ingredients have lasting adverse effects on the environment and on you. Here's the quiet damage of common household cleaners.

Water Pollution

Most people don't think about what happens with their water after it goes down the drain. Out of sight, out of mind, right?

Well, what happens is: chemicals from your average cleaning products end up in bodies of water where aquatic life suffers.

These chemicals impede the aquatic wildlife's ability to reproduce, among many other effects. They are quite literally living in toxic and trash-filled waters.

Aquatic life suffers the consequences of your lifestyle and the products you use. You can help reduce the impact on aquatic life by switching to eco-friendly cleaning products.

Air Pollution

Have you heard of VOCs, also known as "volatile organic compounds?"

If you gleaned anything from its name, VOCs are dangerous chemical compounds that evaporate into the air. They are commonly used in petroleum fuel, paint thinners, and cleaning products.

Doesn't sound too bad?

VOCs evaporate into the air but they don't disappear. You end up breathing it in. This can lead to cancer.

A good portable air cleaner, or air sanitizer, can help to filter these harmful chemical compounds out. While they don't rid of air pollutants completely, a good air sanitizer does make a considerable difference in air quality.

Poor Respiratory Health

If you've ever cleaned a day in your life, you might have been instructed to never use bleach with products containing ammonia. That's a big no-no. It produces a very toxic gas.

But common household cleaning products themselves contain harsh chemicals that affect the respiratory system. They're not talked about enough.

Research shows that even using bleach once a week increases your chances of getting chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Think about how many people use the product daily without realizing this.

Why You Should Switch To Eco Friendly Cleaning Products

Eco-friendly cleaning products are not just trendy. They are way better for you and the environment than the average household cleaner.

Non-Toxic Ingredients

The harmful effects of toxic ingredients in your average household cleaner are undeniable. They make people sick. They're silent killers.

When you switch to using eco-friendly cleaning products, you opt for a safer product that doesn't put your health at risk.

Most eco-friendly cleaning products contain ingredients that are nature-derived, including Purbloc's cleaning products.

You use cleaning products all the time to help keep your home clean.

You should be sure that they don't have adverse effects on your health and respiratory system because you'll be doing a lot more of that in the years to come.

Biodegradable Ingredients

Everything is connected. The products you use and the lifestyle you live don't just affect you.

As mentioned prior, toxic chemicals in common household cleaners seep into bodies of water and affect aquatic life. It's a ripple effect going down the chain.

Eco-friendly cleaning products that contain biodegradable ingredients can serve their purpose and then break down without causing harmful effects in water.

Making the switch from your common household cleaner to eco-friendly cleaning products is a conscious choice. This helps to preserve the biodiversity in the oceans and reduce your overall impact on the environment.

Support Mission-Oriented Brands

Your purchase holds power. As the consumer, you have the ability to make or break a company.

Now, companies are not all evil just because they make a profit. That's the nature of business.

Some companies are better than others because they are larger-mission oriented. They have a vision to impact millions and to shift the needle towards positive change.

When you buy eco-friendly cleaning products, you support mission-oriented brands working towards a cleaner and greener future.

Eco Friendly Cleaning Products You Need To Buy Today

Don't know where to start?

It's okay. You can build your cleaning repertoire over time but here are the few essential eco-friendly cleaning products that you should have.

All Purpose Cleaner or Multi Surface Cleaner

All-purpose cleaners, or multi-surface cleaners, are as the name suggests: multi-use.

This means that you can use the same bottle of cleaner on many surfaces including:

  • kitchen sinks
  • ovens
  • cabinets
  • windows and mirrors
  • showers and tubs

This is a general guide, though. Your specific all-purpose cleaner may not work on some surfaces. Check on the back of your bottle.

Did you know that some multi-surface cleaners also get a stamp of approval from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)?

If your multi-surface cleaner has the "Safer Choice" label, the EPA has approved the ingredients within the cleaning product. This is an eco-friendly cleaning product.

Natural Disinfectant Cleaner

Natural disinfectant cleaners are not as scary as they sound.

This is especially so when they are all-natural, all-organic, and citrus-based. Yes, Purbloc's Nano Clean and Degrease harnesses the power of nature to clean!

This natural disinfectant uses special nanotechnology that works to create conditions unsuitable for harmful germs and pathogens to survive on.

It is powerful yet gentle. This cleaning product is safe enough to use as a hand cleaner. This hand sanitizer kills germs without harming your skin.

That's the power of eco-friendly cleaning products.

Air Sanitizer

Air sanitizers, or portable air cleaners, help to improve the quality of air in an indoor space. This means better health for you.

Purbloc's Nano GRAB air utilizes special nanotechnology to help your air filters at home, work better. This air purifier spray helps to pull more contaminants from the air before you breathe it in.

It does so without the use of any toxic materials, which makes this a super eco-friendly cleaning product. All you have to do is spritz the product on your air filter.

Now, how does cleaner air feel?

Make The Switch Today

If you use cleaning products daily, making the switch to our nanotechnology cleaning products is a no-brainer.

Those common all-purpose cleaners, or multi-surface cleaners, that you don't think are "such a big deal" impact your health and the environment more than is obvious.

Opt for non-toxic, affordable, and eco friendly cleaning products from Purbloc!

Stock up on your natural disinfectant cleaners and air sanitizers with us today, and start cleaning greener tomorrow!

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